2012年8月30日 星期四

徐瑋不願再唱穩賺錢的市場歌,歌曲路線之爭,為 了理想,徐瑋忍痛離開合作六年的快樂加盟新加坡清優唱片,成立個人品牌 ( 飛城 )

Xu Wei, Jerry Xu, fans official website CLUB

徐瑋不願再唱穩賺錢的市場歌,歌曲路線之爭,為 了理想徐瑋忍痛離開合作六年的快樂加盟新加坡清優唱片,成立個人品牌 ( 飛城 ) FREETOWN. 推出首張國內同名專輯 ( 好久以前 ) 空前大熱賣,盤據龍虎榜冠軍三個月之久 ! 快樂誤判形勢一味迷信市場歌錯失一手捧起的金童,快樂的全盛時期也隨著徐瑋的離開而逐漸沒落 !  
Xu Wei do not want to sing a stable market to make money song, to struggles over the direction of the song, Xu Wei manager reluctantly left after a happy co-operation for six years to join the Qing excellent record, and started his own label FREETOWN unprecedented selling. Launched the first domestic album, (long ago)plate, according to Billboard champion for three months!

徐瑋離開合作六年的快樂後加盟新加坡清優唱片,老闆為了歡迎暢銷歌王徐瑋的合作另外開了一個品牌叫作FREETOWN成立專屬徐的發行品牌,因此我看到許多專輯的捲標都打上FREETOWN,翻成中文是( 飛城),飛城當然只發行徐瑋的專輯,如~好久以前、城市節奏、心動、希望下起雨來、不讓你看我的眼睛、你願不願意、離開你、戀愛季節~都是飛城出版的暢銷歌曲。 

事實上,徐瑋表示- ( 一枝草一點露,飲水要思源,快樂老闆是他永遠的大貴人! ) , 當他19歲兵役期時很多人都不敢找他,因為當兵時什麼都不能做! 快樂老闆就是看好他,當兵前不計成本找當時國內最貴的設影師陳文彬拍了數百張帥氣宣傳照,編曲也是請全國最貴的大師陳志遠操刀,每張唱片均附送大型精美海報,電台每天還有徐瑋的專屬音樂時段播他的歌曲,就這樣一點一滴不取巧的把徐瑋打成東南亞最賣錢的歌王,當然快樂的勇於投資也得到好的回報,從徐瑋的專輯上賺進大把鈔票高達九位數,徐瑋每次去大馬或新加坡工作或宣傳,快樂都配有一部奔馳車及司機專門供徐瑋使用! 可見得快樂從金童身上賺進不少錢,善待搖錢樹也是應該。徐瑋表示:自己是個念舊的人,並不想離開合作多年的快樂,他始終感謝老闆的慧眼與力捧,才創造出徐瑋亞洲熱賣歌王的地位,但由於後期快樂的路線大轉彎,老闆迷信所謂福建味市場歌,徐瑋也配合出了很多張,每一張都大賣,但是徐瑋深知那種歌不適合他的型像與歌聲,兩人多次溝通無效後才促使徐瑋決定離開這個口中的大貴人! 徐瑋深知-一個好的歌手更需要的是一個好的幕後團隊與強力的宣傳,方可打造出一個成功的巨星,沒有快樂的力捧就沒有暢銷歌王徐瑋,這也是徐瑋忍痛離開快樂卻始終感謝萬分的原因! 我認為~快樂為了一時的眼前利意,錯失了徐瑋這個金童,是不智之舉,徐瑋後來轉到新加坡飛城唱片出版與台灣同名專輯( 好久以前) 一推出既攻占暢銷榜首達10週之久,第二張被新加坡電視台邀請主唱八點檔大戲( 調色板) 主題歌-心動,城市節奏,更是賣到翻,這也證明徐瑋的看法是對的,歌迷因為是徐瑋唱的歌才喜歡,並不是市場歌的原故,精明老練的生意人忘了歌迷喜歡的是這個歌手唱的歌,徐瑋一直都是典型的人帶歌,很多非主流歌被徐瑋唱紅不知多少,後來快樂也找了其它台灣的知名歌手,如~楊林,齊秦~等等,想如法再泡製一個徐瑋,但是玩沒幾張就不了了之,中盤商到快樂搶貨的榮景不在,快樂的全盛時期也隨著當家小生徐瑋的離開而逐漸末落。徐瑋95年發行海外版( 歲月遊子) 後沒多久就遠赴加拿大調養身體,也未再接任何電視的通告,也沒公開的表演活動,亞洲暢銷歌王后繼無人,徐瑋這種一年三張狂驗片的傳奇就到徐瑋為止,儘管唱片公司想找尋下一個接棒人,無奈歌迷不捧場,無人接得了棒,現在當然更不可能,網絡免費聽歌下載的時代來臨,除了很死忠的歌迷外買CD的人口爆跌,台灣的唱片公司2000之前幾乎全部結束,改由外商國際公司強佔國內的市場,據說能賣到三萬骯可以算是暢銷專輯了! 一張專輯製作費至少兩百萬的成本,獨立唱片公司已無力打平,更別說一張張的發片了! 因此以徐瑋的四十多張專輯的出版記錄,應該可以說是華語歌壇的極少數,我還真不知道還有誰有這種紀錄,徐瑋是有歌有專輯封面可查,不是說說而已,要拿得出東西來! 經過多位版主接力整理互補資料後,徐瑋是唯一一位可以紮紮實實完整SHOW得出歌單歌曲與資料來的超級歌手。
Xu Wei, leave the happy co-operation for six years, joined the Singapore Qing excellent record in order to welcome the cooperation of the best-selling King of Xu Wei addition, the boss opened a brand called FREETOWN the establishment of the issue of exclusive Xu brand, so I see a lot of the album's label marked FREETOWN, translated into Chinese (Flying City), the flying city of course, has just released the album of Xu Wei, ~ a long time ago, urban rhythms, heart, hope began to rain, will not let you see my eyes, you are not willing to willing to leave you, hit songs of love season ~ are flying city published.In fact, Xu Wei - exposed (one of grass, water to be from the source, happy boss is forever elegant!), When his 19-year-old period of military service, many people are not looking for him, because of military service can not be do! happy boss is optimistic about his army, regardless of the cost to find the country's most expensive film division established Chen Wenbin was shot hundreds of handsome publicity photos, arranger is to please the masters of the country's most expensive Vincent Tan surgeon, each LP comes with large beautiful posters, Xu Wei's exclusive music sessions every day radio broadcast of his songs, so a little bit tricky, Xu Wei, labeled as the King of Southeast Asia make money, of course, happy willing to invest has been return from the album of Xu Wei earned a lot of money up to nine digits, Xu Wei Every time I go to Malaysia or Singapore or publicity, happy with a Mercedes-Benz cars and drivers specifically for Xu Wei visible happy from the golden boy who earned a lot of money, it should treat a cash cow. Xu Wei said: that he is remembering the people, do not want to leave the cooperation of many years of happy, he is always grateful to the boss's eye and pitch for create Xu Wei Asian Hot Singer's position, but because of the late happy route turn, the boss superstition so-called Fujian flavor market song, Xu Wei also with the many, each one sold, but Xu Wei know that the kind of song is not suitable for the type like with the song, the two invalid after repeated communications to promote Xu Wei decided to leave the mouth and elegant! know that Xu Wei - a good singer needs is a good behind the team and a strong publicity before to create a successful star, happy pitch for selling songs Xu Wei Xu Wei reluctantly leave happy but always grateful to the extreme! ~ Happy immediate benefit intended for the moment, this golden boy missed the Xu Wei is unwise, Xu Wei and later to Singapore flying city Music Publishing and the album (long ago) was released both captured the best-selling list for 10 weeks, the second Singapore television station invited the lead singer of prime-time drama (palette) theme song - heart, city rhythm, it is sold to turn This also proves that Xu Wei's view is that, just like fans because Xu Wei singing, not the exigencies of the market songs, savvy businessman forget the fans like this singer sang, Xu Wei has been are typical of people with a song, a lot of non-mainstream songs Xu Wei made famous, I do not know how much happiness later also find other well-known singer, such as ~ Yang Lin, Chin ~ want, such as France and then cook a Xu Wei, but the play did a few forgotten, wholesalers happy to grab cargo boom is not happy heyday with headed niche Xu Wei, left, and gradually the late fall.Xu Wei 1995 issue of Overseas Edition (years of wandering), he soon went to Canada to restore his health, nor followed by a notice of any TV, did public performances, Asia's best-selling King successors, Xu Wei, such a three years insolent experience film legend Xu Wei far, despite the record companies want to find the next heir to, but the fans do not join, then got stick, now of course not, free songs download of network era, In addition to the plummet of the population of very loyal fans to buy the CD, the record company in Taiwan prior to 2000 almost all over, change the seizure of the domestic market by foreign international companies, said to be able to sell 30,000 dirty can be a best-selling album album at least two million of the cost of the production costs, an independent record company has been unable to break even, let alone a hair piece! Xu Wei, the publication of the 40 multi-album record can be said that a handful of Chinese music I really do not know who this record, Xu Wei, Song of the album cover to be investigated, not just words, to bring it to draw something! complementary information after multiple moderator relay finishing, Xu Wei only one can come to the song single solid integrity SHOW songs and data to the super singer.

一段插曲  Episode


