2012年8月30日 星期四

徐瑋海外版新歌介紹 好歌搶先聽 ! 徐瑋粉絲官網Magazine版

徐瑋海外版新歌介紹 好歌搶先聽 ! 

Xu Wei issued a new album!?
Good songs to listen to first!

  1. 妳是我最後一眸
  2. 歲月遊子
  3. 愛妳從不曾改變
  4. 妳有什麼樣的寂寞
  5. 想像的天空
  6. 心中那個角落
據聽過 ( 歲月遊子 ) 整張輯的人說,這是一張有八首歌可以當主打歌的專輯 ! 已曝光的四首歌,確實都是主打歌,每一首都超級好聽,一張兩百多萬製作成本的專輯,為什麼可以單吃新馬就可回本呢 ! 既然是一流的製作與超級好歌,多發行中港台不是更好嗎 ?

Heard the whole series of people say that this is an eight song title song of the album! Exposure of four songs are the title song, each capital is super nice, a more than two millionalbum of the production cost, why can eat a single new horse can return to this too! Since it is a first-class production and super good songs, the issuance of more is not better?
本文告訴你 - JERRY的亞洲暢銷歌王傳奇之路
This article tell you - Jerry of Asia's best-selling King of the legendary road



