徐瑋 -
Xu Wei - the
origin of the princes
徐瑋剛出道時曾跟夏玲玲演過一部八點檔古裝戲 ( 少年遊 ),片中演的是跟他當時年齡相彷的17歲小王爺,有許多跟夏玲玲反串的小寶有很多對手戲,當時全台視上上下下找不出一個小生可以演這個俏皮的角色,不是太老就是太成熟,正好剛得歌唱比賽冠軍的徐瑋,有一張俊俏的娃娃臉,於是被製作人力邀主演小王爺一角,沒作過古裝扮相的徐瑋還很懷疑自己能否勝任,沒想到徐瑋的古裝扮相出奇俊美,戲一推出就暴紅,收視率永冠全台,小王爺討喜程度甚至與當時最火紅的夏玲玲不相上下,而戲暴紅之前徐瑋的第一張專輯 ( 那個女孩 ) 還正在錄音,由於小王爺太受到觀眾的喜愛,徐瑋出第一張專輯時封面還特別放上大大的小王爺標字,從此 ( 小王爺-徐瑋 ) 也成了徐瑋的永遠小外號。
Xu Weigang debut had told Xia Lingling acted in a
prime-time costume drama (Junior Tour), the film played with his age, was
similar to the 17-year-old Royal Highness, there are many many of Andy playing
with Xia Lingling opposite Taiwan, as the up and down can not find a niche you
can play the role of the playful, not too old, too mature, just just have a
singing contest, Xu Wei, a handsome baby face, they were made inviting Xu Wei,
starring the small princes corner, did not make the costumes still doubt their
ability to be competent, did not think that Xu Wei's surprisingly handsome
costumes, play a launch on the red storm, the ratings Yongguan Taiwan, the
little princes and lovable extent comparable, even with the most red Xia
Lingling Xu Wei's play violent red before the first album (the girl) is
recording, the little princes too loved by the audience, Xu Wei, the first album
when the cover in particular, put the big princes standard word, from the (small
princes - Xu Wei) has become Xu Wei always nickname.
徐瑋 - 小王爺劇照
Xu Wei - small princes Stills

本站特別推薦- 徐玮 ( 小王爷 ) Jerry Xu (日本語)
国际粉絲官网CLUB http://jerrymusicclub.blogspot.com/
資料參考來源 - 徐瑋民間次官網 http://blog.udn.com/sonyone/6120889