2012年8月30日 星期四

徐瑋在國內從來不唱的另纇歌曲,美酒千杯也不醉,歌聲戀情,是什麼歌 ?

徐瑋在國內從來不唱的另纇歌曲,美酒千杯也不醉,歌聲戀情,是什麼歌 ? 
什麼是新馬味市場歌 ? 代表東南亞華人克苦耐勞在地精神的簡易曲風,與象徵台灣人精神的閩南歌是相同的意思 ! 有不少東南亞華人非常熱愛這種簡單輕鬆有江湖氣且滄桑的歌曲,徐瑋為了回饋歌友破例試錄了一張正宗市場歌 ( 歌聲戀情 ) ,沒想到竟然襲捲全東南亞,新加坡,馬來西亞,印尼,泰國,只要是華人,人人都會唱,狂賣了超過一百萬張 ! 

市場歌是需要轉來轉去越油越夠味的歌種,本就不是徐瑋的清新浪漫唱風,徐瑋顛覆了本該滄桑江湖氣的歌種,輕鬆可愛俏皮新的新唱腔,讓油油重口味的市場歌煥然一新,瘋靡全東南亞華人 ! 徐瑋不但是唯一唱過正宗新馬味市場歌,也是唯一擁有龐大海外版的台灣男歌手 ! 但是賣得好徐瑋反而是一個頭兩個大,從清新無比的 ( 風中的早晨 ) 到江湖氣十足的 ( 歌聲戀情 ),一南一北180度大改變,快樂草率的改變歌路讓徐瑋無法適應,應該適可而止的市場歌居然躍升主線,也是徐瑋離開快樂的主要原因,快樂迷信市場歌大意失荊州痛失金童。

What is the taste of the Southeast Asian market song? On behalf of the Chinese in Southeast Asia grams of bitter-working simple genre in spirit, the spirit of the Taiwanese Hokkien song is the same meaning there are many Chinese in Southeast Asia is very simple and easy love songs, Xu Weian exception test in order to repay the song Friends of recorded a the Zhang Zhengzong market song (the song of love), did not think that rushing in Southeast Asia, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Chinese, everyone will sing, Arctic Monkeys one million!
Xu Wei subversion Song of the vicissitudes of rivers and lakes gas, easy and cute playful new singing, oily flavors market brand new song, crazy extravagant of all the Chinese in Southeast Asia!Xu Wei is not only sung the songs of authentic Southeast Asia flavor market, is the sole owner of the huge overseas edition of the male singer in Taiwan!

徐瑋出版過五張這種新馬味市場歌,原本並不是徐瑋風格的市場歌,被徐瑋唱出新的味道,越油越夠味的市場歌,徐瑋卻唱的一點也不油,變得輕鬆可愛的俏皮市場歌,徐瑋味的市場歌瘋靡市場 ! 像是 - 苦酒咖啡,歌聲戀情,花非花霧非霧,美酒千杯也不醉,何必再留戀,都是市場歌的帶表作品 ! 

Xu Wei has published five new horse smell market song, market song was not intended to Xu Wei style, Xu Wei, sing a new flavor, the more oil the more flavoursome the market song, Xu Wei singing is not oilbecome relaxed and lovely playful song of the market, Xu Wei taste of the market song crazy extravagant market like - non-bitter coffee, singing, love, Claustrophobia fog fog, thousands of cups of wine is not drunk, why nostalgia, is the market songwith table work!


